
Preparing For Ceremony 

While many modalities offered at The Hive Entheogenic Church can be learned and experienced for the first time without prior knowledge, working with ancestral medicines in sacred ceremony requires proper preparation and understanding, both for your safety and to have a fulfilling experience. Intentionally preparing your body and mind for immersion into a life changing sacred entheogen experience is fundamental to your process of spiritual transformation. As you eliminate your usual go-to's for comfort, solace, and satiation (especially sugars, fats, salts, caffeine, alcohol, and recreational drugs), you become increasingly aware of your actual feelings. It can be quite mentally and emotionally uncomfortable as you gain insight into all the ways you avoid discomfort with foods and other substances. Yet, it’s helpful to become aware of and release these more surface-level patterns before entering into ceremony, so that deeper remembrance can occur.

The word sacrifice has a bad rep… It feels heavy and full of obligation. However, the root of “sacrifice” is sacer, meaning “holy” in Latin. By going without some of your pleasures, you are creating a sacred intention. This isn’t about suffering in the name of God, Spirit, or the Divine… rather – when we offer Spirit something we want, it has more meaning than if we were to “give up” something that we don’t really care about. Understanding that we, as human beings, are made up of energy and vibration; we invite you to honor this knowing and protect your energy by abstaining from sex and/or disrupting/releasing the sacral energy center for at least a week prior to ceremony. Also honoring our vibration, the food dieta recommendations are to assist you in making choices that help in keeping your energy in highest vibration.

Leading up to the ceremony we encourage you to find moments with self to begin to feel into your intention for this ceremony. When our intentions are clear, when we are sure about what we want, we give the universe full permission to deliver it to us. However, there is a difference between intention and expectation. Chances are you’ve heard or read stories about completely life altering experiences people have had while in ceremony. So, it can be hard not to form expectations – we must become aware of such. To have an expectation is to preemptively create a story as to how a moment or person will be in order to meet your want/need/desire. And intention is to bring forth the want/need/desire without putting a story to the outcome in how that will be materialized. We often can have intentions and unconsciously put an expectation to that intention. When we do this, we get in our own way, and set the moment/person up for failure. Because no matter if the intention was meant, if it’s not in the way you played it in your unconscious expectation, then it will not satisfy the initial intention. It’s completely natural for your brain to form conceptions and attach to stories, so you get to treat yourself with self compassion and just do your best to release from these expectations. This will produce the most profound results, and allow your intention to become empowered. The more aware of your intentions and your experiences you become, the more you will be able to connect the two, the more you will be able to create the experiences of your life consciously. This is the development of mastery. It is the creation of authentic power.

The following are some self- reflection questions that may help guide your intention:

Post Ceremony Integration 

We are responsible to you but not for you. We can lead you and facilitate the sacred space for healing to occur but you must take responsibility for your growth, choices, and commitment to yourself. Integration is the fundamental part of your rebirth! Our belief is that YOU are what you're looking for, and we are commited to support and empower you to embody your authentic self in Coherence with YOUR truth. 

At a ground level, initial integration is about recalibrating our life in support of our newly upgraded self. Taking a closer look into our job, relationships, diet, habits, mindset—all these are areas that call for transformation in the weeks following ceremony.  

A second aspect of integration involves shadow work. Sacred entheogens are a potent activator of the unconscious, bringing deep wounds, traumas, forgotten experiences, and rejected aspects of ourselves to the light. We get to use diffrent day to day tools and methods to help first accept what was, then working with and understanding these anchors. Integration, in large part, is the process of absorbing and digesting this raw material acutely; quite literally, incorporating it into your consciousness. This inevitably changes your perspective on life, self, identity, and purpose.

As we continue, a third level of integration emerges: the task of reemerging our soul to the world, showing up as our true whole selves. We begin to cultivate a way of being that is in touch with what really matters. Our fractured modern psyches have been disconnected from Nature and one another, with consumerism and digital distraction stuffed into the cracks to assuage the pain of separation. Truly integrating our work with the entheogens provides an opportunity to remember who we are as ONE.

Below we share resources to help support your integration; one of them being our playlist with some of the songs shared during ceremony. Reflecting on the experience is a necessary part of the process. This is where having a ceremonial journal is helpful, as well as acessing our playlist. Reconnecting to the ceremony after the fact can help you to make sense of what happened, make the connections between the ceremony and various aspects of your life. 

Book Recomendations 

🤎  The Complete Conversations with God (3 Books) in Audiobook

🤎 The God Molecule: 5-MeO-DMT and the Spiritual Path to the Divine Light

🤎 After the Ceremony Ends: A Companion Guide to Help You Integrate Visionary Plant Medicine

🤎 The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

🤎 The Power Of Now Eckhart Tolle (Audiobook or paper copy)

🤎 Mastery Of Self and The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

🤎 Becoming Nobody by Ram Dass 

🤎 Awareness by Anthony De Mello

🤎 Non-Violent Communication By Marshall Rosenberg (Audiobook or hard copy)

🤎 Many Lives, Many Masters By Brian Weiss

🤎 Boundaries and Protection by Pixie Lighthorse in Audio Book

🤎 The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

🤎 It Didn't Start With You by Mark Wolynn

🤎 No Bad Parts by Richard C. Schwartz 

🤎 Sacred Contracts by Carolin Myss

🤎 The Sophia Code by Kaira Ra

Podcast Suggestions 

🤍 The Joe Rogan Experience

🤍 Living 4D with Paul Chek

🤍 Kyle Kingsbury Podcast 

🤍 Aubrey Marcus Podcast

🤍 The School Of Greatness 

🤍 Humberman Lab 

🤍 Be Here Now 

🤍 Alan Watts Being In The Way 

🤍 Making Sense With Sam Harris 

🤍 On Purpose With Jay Shetty

Explore The Deeper Meaning of These Movies

💛 Avatar - Disney +

💛 Inside Out - Disney +

💛 Avatar, The Way Of the Water - Disney +

💛 Elemental - Disney +

💛 Dr. Strange  - Disney +

💛 Dr. Strange in The Multiverse of Madnes- Disney +

💛 Captain Fantastic - Prime Video 

💛 Arrival - Prime Video 

💛 Interstellar -Prime Video 

💛 The Matrix (all three) - Prime Video 

💛 Life Itself - Prime Video

💛 Mully - Prime Video 

💛 Fantastic Fungi - Netflix 

💛 Onanya-
