News & Events

"Hold space for the mysteries that stir within your heart, and trust in the unfolding. Instead of seeking the answers right away, learn to love the questions themselves—like unopened doors or distant stars guiding your path. The answers will come not through searching, but through being, through feeling, and through trusting the process. You are growing into the wisdom needed to hold them. And one day, without even noticing, you’ll awaken to the truth you’ve been seeking all along—quietly revealed, as if it had always been there." - Maria Camila 

2024-2025 Calendar

If you are called to any of these offerings, please fill out our 'Become A Member' form or email us at Info@TheHiveHealing.Com 

You’ve taken a brave step towards your remembrance and spiritual evolution, and we look forward to supporting you on your journey! 

Monthly Service 

Temazcal is a type of sweat lodge, which originated from pre-Hispanic indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica. It is the symbolic representation of the womb of Mother Earth, a ceremony where one is born again through four doors that represent the four directions, and the grandmother stones bathed by different aromatic plants. We sing in prayer to honor the energy of our ancestors, our children and our being. 

Jan 3rd- Community Temazcal 7:00 pm

Feb 15th - Open Temazcal (First Timers) 7:00 pm

Mar 14th- Community Temazcal 7:00 pm

Mar 15th- Open Temazcal (First Timers) 4:00 pm

April 18th- Community Temazcal 7:00 pm

April 19th- Open Temazcal (First Timers) 4:00 pm

Below are our dates of our monthly service to come commune with our sacrament Ayahuasca, where we harness the supporting energy of Mother Earth and its allias to cultivate our spiritual connection. We invite any and all that are feeling called to receive support, love, clarity and direction through the plants; as we together traverse life and our own unique evolution and expression. 

January 24th & 25th 6:00 pm

February 21st & 22nd 6:00 pm

March 28th & 29th 6:00 pm

May 30th & 1st 6:00 pm

June 27th & 29th 6:00 pm

July 18th & 20th 6:00 pm

Addtitional Events and Ceremonies 

Join us for a transformative day dedicated to fitness, connection, and community. This special event is designed to nurture both body and soul, creating a space where men can come together to strengthen their bonds and share in collective growth.

Sisters, you are invited to join us in the sacred space of our Red Tent, a gathering where women come together to honor the cycles of life, share wisdom, and nurture our divine feminine essence. In this circle of sisterhood, we will reconnect with our intuition, celebrate our journeys, and create a safe, supportive space for deep reflection, healing, and empowerment. Let us come together to rest, restore, and embrace the beauty of our shared experiences, held in the sacred womb of the Red Tent.

Join us in a sacred space of remembrance and transformation. These ancient plants invite us to reconnect with our divine essence, opening our hearts and expanding our consciousness. Guided by the wisdom of this entheogen, we will journey together into realms of profound insight and clarity, releasing what no longer serves us and awakening to the love within, returning to the truth of who you are.

At The Hive, we believe in the power of coming together to nurture ourselves and each other. In a fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel disconnected. However, when we pause to care for our minds, bodies, and spirits, we rediscover the beauty of community. That’s why we’re excited to invite you to our Community Care Sunday, a monthly gathering dedicated to connection, wellness, and belonging.

This initiative is led by community members, for community members—a reminder that we each have something valuable to share. By coming together in this way, we not only care for ourselves but also strengthen the bonds that make our community thrive.

Our intention is simple yet profound: to cultivate connection and care within our Hive community. Together, we can create a space where love, support, and joy thrive.

Beloved community, we invite you to gather in sacred circle around Grandfather Fire, where ancient wisdom flows and hearts unite. With the rhythm of the drums, we will share medicine songs, prayers, and love, guided by the spirit of the fire. Join us, and let us lift our voices in harmony, honoring our ancestors, and receive the wisdom that Grandfather Fire has to offer us all.

Big Love Ceremony is a gathering where hearts converge and souls unite in the embrace of boundless love. Here, amidst the whispers of the universe, we invite you to immerse yourself in the sacred dance of connection and transformation through your breath, guided mediation, and sacred Cacao.

Step into the sanctuary of Big Love Ceremony, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane is infused with magic. Here, love is not just a destination; it is the journey itself, a pilgrimage of the heart where every step is a prayer, and every breath is a hymn of gratitude.

Join us for a an expansive ceremony as we commune with mushrooms and connect with our center of creation 🎨 

In this ceremony you will immerse yourself in an inner journey of self-discovery and expansion of your state of consciousness; guided by the ancient wisdom that flows through you, and supported by the direct knowledge that grows on Mother Earth. 

Together we will then bring our transmissions to life as we collectively tap into our creative energy through art, and movement — Our creativity and our spirituality are so closely interconnected they are in effect one and the same 👩🏻‍🎨🍄✨ The service will conclude with a nourishing meal and integration circle 🤍

 We are honored to invite our Hive family to join us as we return to our sacred initiatory homeland of Peru. Together we will enter the Amazonian jungle to our beloved Oni Nai family where we will be received by Maestro Francisco, Neten, and the rest of the Ventura family. Guided by the founder of The Hive Maria Camila and fourth generation Shipibo curandero, Maestro Francisco, and his daughter Neten, this retreat is designed to accommodate each individual on their path of awakening and remembering through the dieting of sacred plants, communion with grandmother, and imergence in the Shipibo Konibo culture.